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Editions HOPE

Independent Publisher. Editions HOPE are born from a desire of free expression to allow authors to publish their books as they have been conceived and imagined… Editions HOPE are above all a Universe on the fringe of usual trails, where the encounter of words, images, sounds is possible…
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Nouvelle version du site !Website UpdatesLaunch of the new website
1 July 2020

Launch of the new website

The Editions HOPE website is evolving and comes back in a brand new version! We wanted to facilitate the information search, improve the reading experience with a lighter and more…
Murmures - AllegoriaNews about BooksWhispers - Allegoria
9 October 2018

Whispers - Allegoria

We are more than happy to announce the publication of the new novel of Katy Danjou. The last book of the Trilogy, Whispers - Allegoria is available in French, in…
Murmures - La Valse de l'AigleNews about BooksWhispers - The Waltz of the Eagle
16 May 2016

Whispers - The Waltz of the Eagle

We are really happy to announce you the publication of a new novel by Katy Danjou. Second book of the trilogy Whispers - The Waltz of the Eagle is available…